Project SoccerBots - Soccer Simulator in C#/.NET

08 Oct 2007

I started the work to port Soccer Simulator which I wrote in Java on to .NET. I am using C# and making heavy use of User Controls to render efficient animation. So far, things are going on well and I hope in the next two weeks, I would be able to upload the project and release it as an Open Source Software at
The basic idea is to simulate soccer game where two teams compete against each other. A user can write his own team and then make the Simulator play that team. In my Java version, which has some bugs and does not run that great, teams are written in Java. As an extension I am planning to support XML teams in my new simulator so that any one who loves games and who know little XML can use the software. I guess it would be more acceptable. The current simulator is inspired from both my original Java version as well as some ideas taken from the Ascii soccer developed by Prof. Tucker Balch and Dr. Maria Hybinette. The details are in this link
By the way I am in one of the pictures in that class website.

Dr. Tucker also has this TEAMBOTS which is a more advanced and a great Soccer Simulator written in Java. Though, I am not refering the code from that simulator, might be I would try it out to see if I can add a feature or two.

A friend of mine is helping me on this project and this would be released as a collective effort. The deadline is November 4th and before that we plan to release the SoccerBots 0.5 BETA!